Lynne Jackson - Mam'selleТекст песни

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It was Montmartre It was midnight Come to think of it It was spring There was music I was listening Then in the room somewhere someone began to sing This serenade made for remembering A small cafe, Mam'selle Our rendezvous, Mam'selle The violins were warm and sweet And so were you, Mam'selle And as the night danced by A kiss became a sigh Your lovely eyes seemed to sparkle Just like wine does No heart ever yearned the way mine does for you And yet I know too well Some day you'll say goodbye Then violins will cry And so will I, Mam'selle A small cafe, Mam'selle Our rendezvous, Mam'selle The violins were warm and sweet And so were you, Mam'selle And as the night danced by A kiss became a sigh Your lovely eyes seemed to sparkle Just like wine does No heart ever yearned the way mine does for you And yet I know too well Some day you'll say goodbye Then violins will cry And so will I, Mam'selle

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