Luxuria - Against the PastТекст песни

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Candice Morganauer's gone to join The quick and the dead clever Tonight we're seeing her final film Her crowning endeavour She washed herself for years In mouth-watering praise But we all know she never grew up She just shrank sideways Yesterday was fine, I've forgotten it Somehow Last week wouldn't even show up on Radar now Last week wouldn't even show up on Radar now Winnie the Obscure He's weighing his own heart He's been sleeping like Calvin Coolidge To keep himself apart And now he's crying Old Drella is dead, and I, I didn't feel a Thing And Jude the Pooh with a landslide smile Replies "All the more power to him" Under the roofs and the gutters up above Even the sparrows are burning up with Human love Even the sparrows are burning up with Human love Night of light It's failing over Gringley-On-The-Hill Powders are on the plantation wind Over Dallowgill We reach the doors to the doubtful city They close as if in pain Out on Howard Devoto Boulevard I remember you and me And we're kissing in the rain And it's all so gone And this could never last I'll stay with you I'll stay with you Against the past It's gone It could never last I'll stay with you I'll stay with you Against the past

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