Same Song/Movie (2000)

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Llama Farmers - MovieТекст песни

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I knew a boy, with twenty four carrat gold cheeks He lived in a hut, with four thousand three hundred other freaks One day he found a friend His friend had an oversized head They walked down the cobbled streets The sun blinking off his face, chase The movie they played was different from yesterday The movie they played was different from yesterday Don't look so sad, it's time for your intermission Don't look so sad, it's time for your intermission While they were playing cards The Government came crashing in They told the boy he wasn't real A scientific, experiment infusion The movie they played was different from yesterday The movie they played was different from yesterday Don't look so sad, it's time for your intermission Don't look so sad, it's time for your intermission Don't look so sad Don't look so sad They lived for each other's love Don't look so sad Things will never change They lived for each other's love Don't look so sad

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