Juke Joint Blues (2012)

Little Walter текст песни

Little Walter - Tell Me MamaТекст песни

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Oh, tell me mama Who's that while ago? Oh, tell me mama Who's that while ago? Yes, when I come in Who went out that back door? Now don't come here mama I'm gonna start a ragin' stand You been out boogie-woogie'n There's somethin' I don't understand I want you to tell me mama Who's that while ago? Yes, when I come in Who went out that back door? Now this is somethin' I never seen before A man is gettin' my money Always slammin' my back door I want you to tell me mama Who's that while ago? Yes, when I came in Who went out that back door? Oh, I had to wanna kneel down You couldn't give the truth His hat in his hand And his overcoat too I want you to tell me mama Why can't you be true? Yes, when I came in Who went out that back door? He came by me runnin' Smellin' like a whiskey can My hat in his hand And my overcoat too I want you to tell me mama Who's that while ago? Yes, when I came in Who went out that back door?

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