Lennie Niehaus, Vol. 4: The Quintets And Strings (1956)

Lennie Niehaus текст песни

Lennie Niehaus - My Heart Stood StillТекст песни

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I took one look at you That's all I meant to do And then my heart stood still My feet could step and walk My lips could move and talk And yet my heart stood still Though not a single word was spoken I could tell you knew That unfelt clasp of hands Told me so well you knew I never lived at all Until the thrill of that moment When my heart stood still I took one look at you That's all I meant to do And then my heart stopped right there My feet could step and walk My lips could move and talk And yet my heart stood still Though not a single word was spoken I could tell you knew That unfelt claps of hands Told me so well you knew I never lived at all Until the thrill of that moment When my heart stood still

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