Surf Party A Go-Go!: Live (1996)

Keymen текст песни

Keymen - Devil With a Blue Dress On/Good Golly Miss MollyТекст песни

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Fee fee fi fi fo fo fum. Lookin' mighty nice, here she comes, Wearin' a wig, hat and shades to match; Got high heel sneakers and an alligator hat. Wearin' her pearls and a diamond ring, She got bracelets on her fingers and a everything. Devil with a blue dress, blue dress, blue dress, Devil with a blue dress on. Devil with a blue dress, blue dress, blue dress, Devil with a blue dress on. Wearin' her perfume, Chanel Number Five, Got to be the finest woman alive. Walks so smooth, catches everybody's eye, Got to be lovely, you can't say goodbye. She's not too skinny and not too fat, She's a real humdinger and I like it like that. Devil with a blue dress, blue dress, blue dress, Devil with a blue dress on. Devil with a blue dress, blue dress, blue dress, Devil with a blue dress on.

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