Kelly Osbourne - Red LightТекст песни

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I'm falling Don't bother I rather end up where I dropped off Not making Excuses I guess I'm feeling uninspired You're speaking but I just can't hear you Who do you think is listening You notice I didn't Go figure if you got a minute You're reaching I'm leaving Don't say I never gave you nothin' It's gettin' just a little creepy The thoughts are there but nothing's sleeping It's hard to say what's on my mind The words are always one step behind Waitin' on a redlight sittin' on a time bomb Nothin' seems to go right still remaining calm Walkin' on a tightrope emotionally amazed A careful execution that slaps me In the face Waiting on a redlight But still remaining calm I'm fed up So boring Swimming in a pool of quicksand Not making A scene Please insert the nervous breakdown Take a needle stitch my mouth shut Then apply a little make up All the stupid things I'll say Pressure keeps building every day

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