Kate & Anna McGarrigle - Kiss and Say GoodbyeТекст песни

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Call me when you're coming to town Just as soon as your plane puts down Call me on the telephone But only if you're traveling alone Counting down the hours Through the sunshine and the showers Today's the day You're finally going to come my way Let's make a date to see a movie Some foreign film from gay Paris I know you like to think you've got taste So I'll let you choose the time and place Have some dinner for two In some eastside rendezvous Then we'll walk Arm in arm around the block and talk Tonight you're mine Let's not waste time I do believe the die is cast Let's try and make the night-time last And I don't know where it's coming from But I want to kiss you till my mouth get numb I want to make love to you Till the day comes breaking through And when the sun is high in the sky We'll kiss and say goodbye

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