The Mayrtyrdom Of A Catastrophist (2009)

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Junius - Birth Rites By TorchlightТекст песни

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"And if I transgressed, and went into many fields of science and humanities, It was not because I was born a rebel. I was coerced to trespass" "The belief that we are living in an orderly Universe, That nothing happened to this Earth and other planets since the beginning, That nothing will happen 'till the end, is a wishful thinking that fills the textbooks And your textbooks are still of Victorian vintage." Why do we call for a sun's rise? When the raining of fire will atone Born on the floor, it's our birthright Facing the spires of control The belfry calls out to our fathers To lead us all down to our knees Silence is bred with conversation The chimes ring out our defeat (You know that we try hard) God dares, waits, oh! My fate wakes, oh!

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