Johnny Q Public - ScreamТекст песни

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Sounds of cymbals, harp and lyre Sounds of timbral, song and dance Let everything with breath praise And I won't put my fingers on it David played his blessed harp And danced violently I'll blessedly scream I don't know how to dance I don't know how to sing But I'll scream, blessedly scream Sounds of giants fill the land If I don't play my part, trees and rocks can Let everything with breath praise And I won't put my fingers on it David played his blessed harp And danced violently I'll blessedly scream I don't know how to dance I don't know how to sing But I'll scream, blessedly scream David played his blessed harp And danced violently I'll blessedly scream I don't know how to dance I don't know how to sing But I'll scream, blessedly scream Let everything with breath praise And I won't put my fingers on it Let everything with breath praise And I won't put my fingers on it

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