John Cale/Bob Neuwirth - Who's in Charge?Текст песни

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[Chorus] Who's in Charge? Who's in Charge? Who's in Charge? Who's in Charge? Is it the Army? Is it the Money? Are you responsible? I'm not responsible. You wanna die now? Why not, it's a good day to die. [Chorus] It's not the Pope. It's not the President. It's not the Rabbi. It's not the Buddha. It's not the Natureman. It's not the Priest. It's not the Artists. It's not the Geniuses. It's not the Audience. It's not the Critics. Cain and Abel. Not Romulus and Remus. [Chorus] It's not the Doctors. It's not the Teachers. It's not the Detectives. It's not the Scientists. It's not the Socialists. It's not the Computer[ist]s. It's not the Teamsters. It's not the Comedians. It's the Outlaws. It's not the Artists. It's the Futurists. It's not the Dadaists. It's the Soloists. It's not the Audience. It's a Mountain. It's not Mohammad. [Chorus]

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