The Real Deal (2004)

Jessica Williams текст песни

Jessica Williams - Don't Blame MeТекст песни

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Ever since the lucky night I found you I've hung around you just like a fool Falling head and heels in love like a kid out of school. My poor heart is in an awful state now But it's too late now to call a halt So if I become a nuisance it's all your fault! Don't blame me for falling in love with you I'm under your spell but how can I help it! Don't' blame me! Can't you see when you do the things you do! If I can't conceal the thrill that I'm feeling, Don't blame; me. Ican't help it if that doggoned moon above Makes me need someone like you to love! Blame your kiss as sweet as a kiss can be And blame all your charms that melt in my arms But don't blame me. I like every single thing about you Without a doubt you are like a dream In my mind I find a picture of us as a team Ever since the hour of our meeting I've been repeating a silly phrase Hoping that you'll understand me one of these days. Don't blame me for falling in love with you I'm under your spell but how can I help it! Don't' blame me! Can't you see when you do the things you do! If I can't conceal the thrill that I'm feeling, Don't blame; me. Ican't help it if that doggoned moon above Makes me need someone like you to love! Blame your kiss as sweet as a kiss can be And blame all your charms that melt in my arms But don't blame me.

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