A Swing Affair (2006)

Jeff Hooper текст песни

Jeff Hooper - The Trolley SongТекст песни

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"Clang, clang, clang" went the trolley "Ding, ding, ding" went the bell "Zing, zing, zing" went my heartstrings For the moment I saw him I fell "Chug, chug, chug" went the motor "Bump, bump, bump" went the brake "Thump, thump, thump" went my heartstrings When he smiled, I could feel the car shake He tipped his hat, and took a seat He said he hoped he hadn't stepped upon my feet He asked my name I held my breath I couldn't speak because he scared me half to death "Buzz, buzz, buzz" went the buzzer "Plop, plop, plop" went the wheels "Stop, stop, stop" went my heartstrings As he started to leave I took hold of his sleeve with my hand And as if it were planned He stayed on with me and it was grand Just to stand with his hand holding mine All the way to the end of the line

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