On (2002)

Imperial Teen текст песни

Imperial Teen - The FirstТекст песни

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The first Is the best And the best Is a curse The taste Of the last Is sour But it's blessed Yes, it's blessed It's the best that you did It's the best that you did It's the best that you did It's the best that you did The taste Of the past Is a curse That will last And the best When it's blessed Is a curse It's a curse Such a curse It's the best that you did It's the best that you did It's the best that you did It's the best that you did It's the best that you did It's the best that you did It's the best that you did It's the best, it's the best, it's the best, it's the best, it's the best The best Is a curse The best Is a curse The best Is a curse The best Is a curse The best

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