Icon of Coil - ViolationsТекст песни

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I hate upon a star emotions got where you are remember feelings Got you this far denial makes it harder for the stars to shine The things I thought I said were offending you The things you did were offending me The things you thought were offending you The things I did were offending me I burn beneath the ice the answers Were never revealed to the human mind Sometimes the path feels just like a string You balance the gain to make you feel good The things I thought I said were offending you The things you did were offending me The things you thought were offending you The things I did were offending me I can not walk alone like breathing under water I can not walk alone like talking without a tongue I can not walk alone like conscience without a mind I can not walk alone I freeze above a flame I never expected me to fall between I drifted in the space between Colours fade to white And I feel lonely dressed in red, that's why

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