Ian Moore (1993)

Ian Moore текст песни

Ian Moore - RevelationТекст песни

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Pretty mama break me from these chains You told me that I was your only man Wrapped me up in all these guises of grace Now I've seen it face to face Revelation Revelation Revelation Revelation I've got a line on you Silent charade you're a master of thought Indiscretion mounting as you gather your loss Undercover darkness was your veil Words were stolen, love for sale Revelation Revelation Revelation Revelation I've been listenin' to what you're saying baby But what your sayin' I know it ain't true I've been playing what your playing But baby I played you When you're lying all the time Don't you know it makes it hard to see the truth And you were blind to the fact That a man can be just as evil as you Now the tide is turning And mama you wonder where you stand I got a wild card in my deck, little baby Guess that gives me the upper hand I ain't gonna fall in line like all those other fools I had a revelation, baby and I got a line on you

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