Tales Told (2004)

Ian Broudie текст песни

Ian Broudie - Whenever I DoТекст песни

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Well I don't need no one Except when I do And that's when that no one Is someone like you Nothing seems shaped to fit I remember the times we'd sit Doing nothing 'cept watch TV And that seemed alright to me But I don't want no one Except when I'm blue And that's when that no one Is someone like you Lying there every night I'm wondering why nothing seems right Now all my songs are blue Just at the thought of you I held you tight Tight in these arms Dear then you said goodbye Now you're not here Well, I dream every night You'll catch my tears But I know Can't be the same Won't feel the same I'll take the blame Cause it's all the same In the end When I think of someone Whenever I do The face that I long for Turns out to be you

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