Tight Connection (2002)

I Am The World Trade Center текст песни

I Am the World Trade Center - Shoot You DownТекст песни

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You know it You show it And the time has come To shoot you down What a sound When the day is done And it all works out Id love to do it and you know youve always had it coming You know it You show it And the time has come To shoot you down What a sound When the day is done And it all works out Id love to do it and you know youve always had it coming I never wanted The love that you showed me It started to choke me And how I wish Id said No too slow I couldnt take That too fast I want you to know You know it You show it But I cant back down Its far too late I cant wait Now the time has come Itll all work out And when this Thing is done Itll leave no doubt So when youve Had your fun Will you all walk out? Id love to do it and you know youve always had it coming Id love to do it and you know youve always had it coming Id love to do it and you know youve always had it coming

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