Horse - God's Home MovieТекст песни

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There's something I'd like to see From God's home movie The story of the universe And my baby. I'd see you as a child Playing by the sea Just like the stories you've told From memory. I watch the course of your life Like watching the beads fall From broken thread. I know you now that you've grown, Going your own sweet way, A way I love. I'm only looking Looking for you. This is the story Story of you. I have a love I'll keep forever. This is the story Story of you. This is the story. There's something I'd like to see From God's home movie The story of the universe And my baby. I'd see discoveries made Fire and flat earth. Columbus sailing the sea or how Noah survived Or when God was a girl. Rewind and freezing the frame On heroes and martyrs And empires' rise and fall. There's still the future to see. The story continues of me and my baby.

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