Hooverphonic - Electro Shock FadersТекст песни

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Long black dress Hawaiian shirt Kicking pair of trainers Electro shock faders Guiding your voice through your veins Sick of all this working Longing for a sinking Long black dress Hawaiian shirt Kicking pair of trainers Electro shock faders Guiding your voice through your veins Sick of all this working Longing for a sinking Ship that rules the bottom of the sea A bottle as a prison not really my idea Of a perfect environment it makes you see Everything's a blur Do you know what I mean Long black dress Hawaiian shirt Kicking pair of trainers Electro shock faders Guiding your voice through your veins Sick of all this working Longing for a sinking Ship that rules the bottom of the sea A bottle as a prison not really my idea Of a perfect environment it makes you see Everything's a blur Do you know what I mean

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