Seven Decades (2000)

Hank Thompson текст песни

Hank Thompson - Scotch and SodaТекст песни

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Scotch and soda, mud in your eye, Baby, do I feel high, Oh me, oh my, do I feel high. Dry martini, jigger of gin, Oh, what a spell you've got me in, Oh my, do I feel high. People won't believe me, They'll think that I'm just braggin' That I could feel the way I feel, And still be on the wagon. All I need is one of your smiles, Sunshine of your eyes, oh me, oh my, Do I feel higher than a kite can fly! Give me lovin', baby, I feel high. People won't believe me, They'll think that I'm just braggin' That I could feel the way I feel, And still be on the wagon. All I need is one of your smiles, Sunshine of your eyes, oh me, oh my, Do I feel higher than a kite can fly! Give me lovin', baby, I feel high.

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