Left Coast Local Time (2003)

Gini Wilson текст песни

Gini Wilson - Black and BlueТекст песни

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Cold empty bed, springs hard as lead Pains in my head, feel like old Ned What did I do to be so black and blue? No joys for me, no company Even the mouse ran from my house All my life through I've been so black and blue I'm white inside, but that don't help my case Cause I can't hide what is on my face I'm so forlorn. Life's just a thorn My heart is torn. Why was I born? What did I do to be so black and blue? I'm hurt inside, but that don't help my case Cause I can't hide what is on my face How will it end? Ain't got a friend My only sin is in my skin What did I do to be so black and blue? Tell me, what did I do? What did I do? What did I do? What did I do? What did I do? What did I do? What did I do? What did I do? Tell me, what did I do to be so black and blue? What did I do to be so black and blue?

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