Wax Lips And Hummingbirds (2005)

Gingerbread Patriots текст песни

Gingerbread Patriots - The Day I DiesТекст песни

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Can't sleep and its the middle of the night Wide awake in the middle of the night Thinking of ten years ago There was a girl I use to know Her skin looked like she was a ghost There was a time There was a space I must a admit that I wouldn't know your face if I Saw you on the street and Looked in your eyes I love you girl but ill never know the reason why Through all the time Through all the space I like to leave but I wouldn't have a place to go I like to think its no surprise ill leave the world But ill wait until the the day I die (That's not real, that's not real) (I quit in the middle of a fight) I give up in the middle of a fight I can't win if I don't even fight Drinking more and thinking less Settling for second best The day I die The day ill rest

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