Old Fashioned Hymns And Gospel Songs... (For Those Who Miss Them!) (2010)

George Hamilton IV текст песни

George Hamilton IV - Family BibleТекст песни

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There's a family Bible on the table Each page is torn and hard to read But the family Bible on the table Will ever be my key to memories At the end of day when work was over And when the evening meal was done Dad would read to us from the family Bible And we'd count our many blessings one by one I can see us sittin' round the table When from the family Bible dad would read I can hear my mother softly singing rock of ages Rock of ages cleft for me Now this old world of ours is full of trouble This old world would also better be If we'd find more Bibles on the tables And mothers singing rock of ages cleft for me I can see us sittin' round the table When from the family Bible dad would read I can hear my mother softly singing rock of ages Rock of ages rock of ages cleft for me

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