Funeral for a Friend - AlvarezТекст песни

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The stars will be your nightlights tonight And I will be your lullaby They dragged it up And continued with the beatings How you bleed You could bleed forever It burns and leaves the rope tied It burns and leaves the rope tied The stars will be your nightlights tonight And I will be your lullaby Another finger lost What use do you have for those eyes in your head You took and killed Everything about me It burns and leaves the rope tied It burns and leaves the rope tied The stars will be your nightlights tonight And I will be your lullaby So disgusted with it You took your sweet time So let's get out of this town So let's get out of this town So disgusted with it And you took your sweet time So lets get out of this town So lets get out of this town And start this day all over and over again Just like the good old days You wipe the stains from off your face And forget her, just forget her Best line I heard all day You're too much of a good thing

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