Classic And Boogie: The Original Recordings (2000)

Freddy Martin текст песни

Freddy Martin - Managua, NicaraguaТекст песни

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Managua, Nicaragua is a beautiful town You buy a hacienda for a few pesos down You give it to the lady you are tryin' to win But her papa doesn't let you come in Managua, Nicaragua is a heavenly place You ask a señorita for a 'leetle' embrace She answers you, "Caramba! scram-ba bambarito" In Managua, Nicaragua, that's "No" I have been to many tropic ports I might include even Brooklyn If you're ever feelin' out of sorts I'd like to recommend a look in... Managua, Nicaragua, what a wonderful spot There's coffee and bananas and a temperature hot So take a trip and on a ship go sailing away Across the agua to Managua, Nicaragua, olégua to Managua, Nicaragua, ol?

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