Chim Chim's Badass Revenge (1996)

Fishbone текст песни

Fishbone - Rock StarТекст песни

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When I was a kid I would go to the show and see the rock star I`d play my records and look at the album cover at the rock star Sometimes I`d check out the R&B But the polka, salsa classical scene just was not me I wanted to be like Bootsy, Dr. Funkenstein or Jimi the rock star Color meant nothing to me Everything was equal as far as I could see Ignorant to the racist music industry music industry music industry Music industry... White rock star Everywhere I look... White rock star Read it in the paper... White rock star Watch it on TV... White rock star Only just a little... Black rock star Only for a token... Black rock star Sing no controversy... Black rock star Sometimes for the flavor of Japanese No communication but it`s overseas Unaware of how propaganda works I soon became a victim, a trick at work With my black brotha`s playin` rock & roll Signed and ho`in for a major label Selling my soul as a rock star Do the rock star ohh Do the rock star yeah Break a window, smash a TV We`re some hott mother fucka`s it`s no doubt about We do the rock star Ohh Do the rock star, yeah Get real drunk, fuck, fuck, fuck Kick in the radio, smash up a chair Do the rock star, wooh Do the rock star, yeah Wreck your hotel room, catch a Lear jet Stay in debt, manic depressed Sweat & jerk to the best Smoke a cig, fuck, fuck, fuck Lie fry loosin` your mind like a rock star I got supposed fortune & fame With existential potential Of runnin` the game But it the greedy of the whitey at the top of my frame that`s Blurrin` my art piece Makin` it weak see Makin` it watered down Dilutin` my funky sound But it`s all you need to be In this weak society Powder puffy rock star dumb Keepin` people stupid and dumb Do the rock star ooh Do the rock star hey Shoot up some heroin Snort some cocaine Smash your guitar Wreck a jet plane With a short gun to your brain For the price of fame Losers !!! ????? Kurt Cobain meant nothing to me But now I just can`t escape from the rains that drive me ape Of their white fear Through the television in my eyes in my ears Racism ! Separation ! Media ! So I guess you can say I`m an angry brotha Can`t play my music `cause of barrier of color Deep in debt with a seven record set Videos and funky shows but no one knows The major pain and misery of bein` radical Speakin` of what you feel in a world that`s sad and dull But the rock star got the money and the fuck fuck right Action lights and plane flights Drugs and press but in reality it`s a lot less when you`re the rock star oooh

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