Finch - Perfection Through SilenceТекст песни

Выделите цитату, смысл которой может быть неочевиден и вы бы хотели её пояснить или запросите её пояснение.Кликните на highlighted цитату, чтобы объяснить её или на highlighted, чтобы посмотреть аннотации к ней.
Alone at last, together in a photograph our eyes are always open, devoted to perfection through silence What am I supposed to do? Should I sit, wait for you? Listen to me screaming more The story is old, only to those who have no mold The truth can be bought or sold But what are we buying? Nothing but silence What am I supposed to do? Should I sit, wait for you? Listen to me screaming more Fold the corners, break the silence Fold the corners, just for tonight

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