Blessed (2008)

Fady Maalouf текст песни

Fady Maalouf - I Love to Sing with You AgainТекст песни

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Oh yes I'd love to sing with you again Just one more time Just one simple rhyme I can not find a simple way to explain One day I'll sing with my father again Stories from my childhood When everything was good I was singing with my parents To our family and friends Oh I miss you most of all Get I get a final call Cos you where my parachute But now it's a free fall Oh yes I'd love to sing with you again Just one more time Just one simple rhyme Oh yes I'd love to sing with you again Just one more chance One final dance I can not find a simple way to explain One day I'll sing with my father again I know my wish is so vain That they see me at my show again Oh they would be so proud of me It's such a shame Oh I need you so much here right now Can I get a final call' You you where my parachute But now it's a free fall Oh yes I'd love to sing with you again Just one more time Just one simple rhyme Oh yes I'd love to sing with you again Just one more chance One final dance I can not find a simple way to explain Oh I can not find a simple way to explain Why we wont sing together again One day I'll sing with my father again

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