Eric Levi - SentenceТекст песни

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Ameno di Ameno devoni Ledisime Dorera ri me Omen tore Legoli senta Omenima Interi me I'll save you from yourself From those demons of the night They promise fame and fortune All that you eagerly desire. I'll save you from yourself From those voices calling you Sell your soul to evil Then you'll be dancing forever. Omen tore Legoli senta Omenima Interi Amen tore Legoli senta Arene loma Legoli senta I'll save you from yourself From those voices of the night They promise fame and fortune All that you eagerly desire. I'll save you from yourself From those demons calling you Sell your soul to evil Then you'll be dancing forever. Omen tore Legoli senta Alegoli Ameno devoni Devoni Omen tore Legoli senta Omenima Interi Amen tore Legoli senta Arene loma Legoli senta

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