Life In Mono (2006)

Emma Bunton текст песни

Emma Bunton - All I Need to KnowТекст песни

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A lot of bridges I shouldn't be so scared to move A lot of lessons I shouldn't be so scared to learn If I could lose you would Stop me Hold on to what remains [Chorus] And all I need to know is you treasured me And help me be the most that I can be And turn into the one last missing piece When it all comes down When it all comes down A lot of people don't seem to understand My point of view It doesn't matter 'cause I love the way I am with you Cause you can take what stopped me Hold on to what remains And all I need to know is you treasured me And help me be the most that I can be And turn into the one last missing piece When it all comes down When it all comes down I love I love I love I love the way you let me I love ya love ya love ya Like I do And all I need to know is you treasured me And help me be the most that I can be And turn into the one last missing piece When it all comes down When it all comes down When it all comes down When it all comes down When it all comes down

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