A Casual Introduction 1981 To 2001 (2003)

Edwyn Collins текст песни

Edwyn Collins - The Witch Queen of New Orleans [Long Version]Текст песни

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Marie, Marie, La, Voo-doo Yeady She'll put a spell on you Marie, Marie, La, Voo-doo Yeady She'll put a spell on you Marie, Marie, La, Voo-doo Yeady She's the witch queen oh, of New Orleans Of New Orleans I'm gonna tell you a story Strange as it now seems Of zombie voo-doo gris gris and The witch queen of New Orleans She lived in a world of magic Possessed by the devil's skew From a shack near the swamp lands Of mud pie brick Marie stirred her witches brew Marie, Marie, La, Voo doo Yeady She'll put a spell on you Marie, Marie, La, Voo doo Yeady She'll put a spell on you Marie, Marie, La, Voo doo Yeady She's the witch queen oh, of New Orleans Of New Orleans Dime or a nickel any one could buy Voo-doo of any kind She had potions and lotions, herbs and tanna leaves Guaranteed to blow your mind Early one mornin' into mucky swamp dew Vanished Marie with hate in her eyes Though she'll never return all the Cajuns knew A witch queen never dies Marie, Marie, La, Voo doo Yeady She'll put a spell on you Marie, Marie, La, Voo doo Yeady She'll put a spell on you Marie, Marie, La, Voo doo Yeady She's the witch queen oh Of New Orleans, of New Orleans

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