This Is Where I Stand [Canada Bonus Tracks] (2002)

Easyworld текст песни

Easyworld - BleachТекст песни

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So you're sad And you're right Kill yourself If you like 'Cause it sucks So do I See your day Crawling by And you know When you're just Hanging on That's enough And if it helps Carry on Be content You don't belong Oh I know... You make me want to drink bleach You make me want to bite stars Though you're losing yourself Still I know who you are It's a beautiful pain As the sun in my eyes And I want to drink bleach To let me feel I'm alive I'm so sorry Little one You know I said I'd protect you from The evil world That you despise 'Cause it sucks So do I And you know When you're just Hanging on That's enough And if it helps Carry on Be content You don't belong So how does it feel To choke on happy Drown in joy Choke on happy Drown in... Oh and I want to drink bleach

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