The Bubber Miley Era: 1924-1929 (2003)

Duke Ellington текст песни

Duke Ellington - I Must Have That Man!Текст песни

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Don't want my mammy I don't need a friend My heart is broken, it won't ever mend I ain't much carin' Just where I will end I must have that man I'm like an oven That's cryin' for heat He treats me awful Each time we meet It's just unlawful How that boy can cheat But I must have that man He's hot as Hades A lady's not safe in his arms when she's kissed But I'm afraid that when he's cooled off And maybe I'm ruled off his list I'll never be missed I need that person much worse 'n just bad I'm half alive 'n he's drivin' me mad He's only human if he's to be had I must have that man I must have that man

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