Sunshine Superman: The Very Best Of Donovan (2002)

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Donovan - GuinevereТекст песни

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Guinevere of the royal court of Arthur Draped in white velvet, silk and lace. The rustle of her gown on the marble staircase, Sparkles on fingers, slender and pale. The jester he sleeps but the raven he peeps Through the dark foreboding skies of the royal domain. Maroon-coloured wine from the vineyards of Charlemagne Is sipped by the queen's lips and so gently Indigo eyes in the flickering candlelight, Such is the silence o'er royal Camelot. The jester he sleeps but the raven he peeps Through the dark foreboding skies of the royal domain. Guinevere of the royal court of Arthur Draped in white velvet, silk and lace. The rustle of her gown on the marble staircase, Sparkles on her fingers both slender and pale. The jester he sleeps but the raven he peeps Through the dark foreboding skies of the royal domain

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