Golden Years Of Dick Haymes (2003)

Dick Haymes текст песни

Dick Haymes - Long Ago (And Far Away)Текст песни

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Long ago and far away I dreamed a dream one day And now that dream is here beside me Long the skies were overcast But now the clouds have passed You're here at last Chills run up and down my spine Aladdin's lamp is mine The dream I dreamed was not denied me Just one look and then I knew That all I longed for long ago was you Long ago and far away I dreamed a dream one day And now that dream is here beside me Long the skies were overcast But now the clouds have passed You're here at last Chills run up and down my spine Aladdin's lamp is mine The dream I dreamed was not denied me Just one look and then I knew That all I longed for long ago was you Just one look and then I knew (Him, with her humming along) That all I longed for long ago Was you

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