Deftones - PassengerТекст песни

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Here I lay Still and breathless Just like always Still, I want some more Mirrors sideways Who cares what's behind? Just like always Still your passenger The chrome buttons buckle on leather surfaces These and other lucky witnesses Now to calm me This time won't you please Drive faster Roll the windows down This cool night air is curious Let the whole world look in Who cares who sees anything? I'm your passenger I'm your passenger Drop these down Then put them on me Nice cool seats There to cushion your knees Now to calm me Take me around again Just don't pull over This time would you please Drive faster Roll the windows down This cool night air is curious Let the whole world look in Who cares who sees what tonight? Roll these misty windows down To catch my breath And then go and go and go just drive me Home and back again Here I lay just like always Don't let me go Take me to the edge

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