A Murder Of Crows (2003)

Dead Soul Tribe текст песни

Dead Soul Tribe - FliesТекст песни

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Some people say That the way An ever winding journey through the blear So far from here Yet so near Obscure Yet so clear A light went on in my head Sometimes I think Many things Are far from the way they ought to be Sometimes I gaze Numb and dazed Amazed by what I see Sometimes it seems A laughing God has played his joke on me A light went on in my head Spiders in the souls of men Spiders in the souls of men Mice in the hole And lions in the field Jackals in control And dogs are on the heels Vipers in the sand Vipers in the sand Waiting for you Biting at you Preying on you Coiled around you Poisoning you Constricting you Jaws unhinge to Swallow you alive Flies Flies Flies Flies

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