Crystal Castles - Black PantherТекст песни

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Cross my heart and look into the sea Cross my arms and turn to me Turn to me instead of telling the truth And now, now I can honor you Since you've left, all we're talking about Is different problems While I'm dragging my heels So long to be my mother So long to be my friend Will you talk to me? I'm real bored We're in the house, looking at the dark If you learn to follow me I'll know that you can honor me Since you've left, all we're talking about Is different problems While I'm dragging my heels So long to be my mother So long to be my friend You're covered in the lotion That was inside of me I'll throw you in the ocean I'll pass you to the sea You're covered in the lotion That was inside of me I'll throw you in the ocean I'll pass you to the sea If this is love Then I'm fucking proud of it If this is love Then I'm fucking proud of it If this is love Then I'm fucking proud of it If this is love Then I'm fucking proud of it

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