Pervert (1996)

Charm Farm текст песни

Charm Farm - With You ForeverТекст песни

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Despite our many differences, I will take a chance And dream of dusty moments, a movie star romance If ever I could tear you from your nightmare to my dream I'd smash you bedroom window, and I'd muffle your soft scream If ever I were sure of you, the way I'm sure of me, I'd trap you in my arms, and I would be- With you forever, with you forever, and ever. Now I walk the borderline, against a sky of stone I wish you were beside me now, but I know that I'm alone Maybe I should leave you now, maybe I should stay It matters more than trauma, it's the passion, not the play I've made a million promises, I'll break a million more, And set the lens upon so I'll be With you forever, with you forever, and ever... The bad machine's upon you, and it's me And it's me. and I'll be. and I'll be... With you forever, with you forever and ever...

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