Chamberlain - On My Side of the StreetТекст песни

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I could make you want me with one hand tied behind my back. I could tear the stars down in mid-June, wrap them up for you in a paper bag. When things go wrong, I'll throw you a key. When it gets hard to breathe, come see me on my side of the street. I thought I saw you on Tuesday, ah well, I think I see you all the time. After all we've been through, I can't believe we're still alive. When the world locks you out, I'll throw you a key. This time you want to kill. We'll make time stand still on my side of the street. We all walk through life leaving one set of tracks with one hand tied behind our backs. I could make you want me with one hand tied behind my back. I could tear the stars down in mid-June, wrap them up in a paper bag. When your friends do you wrong, I'll throw you a key. When it gets hard to breathe, come see me on my side of the street.

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