Chalk FarM - HeyТекст песни

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sinking while the water rises in a stream helpless as my indecision's drowning me tripping over things that i should clearly see speechless when a word would save me it's words i fear if i falter would you help me make it right if i run for shelter will you hold me for the night if i trust you will it help me see the light i've lived my life alone i've learned my lesson reaching out to no one who can give me help feeling for the candle as i burn myself if i falter would you help me make it right if i run for shelter will you hold me for the night if i trust you will it help me see the light i've lived my life alone i've learned my lesson i've learned my lesson stop and overcompensate for all the times that you've been afraid the world's become a conversation close the door somebody just might hear you never break the silence never break the law never let them in it seems so complicated it's not all us

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