Cavalera Conspiracy - TargetТекст песни

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Face With all your hate With all your strength Look at them down Stare Into their eyes Inside their mind A target you'll find I'll bring you down; you are target I'll find you; you are my target Now you are mine; you are my target I'll take you down; you are my target Strength Looking for you Who against who I'll find you too Crush All the opponents All those against us Against the wall I'll bring you down; you are target I'll find you; you are my target Now you're mine; you're my target I'll take you down; you're my target Who against, who against I'm coming now for you Who against, who against Exterminating you Exterminating you Exterminating you Exterminating you, I'll bring you down, I'll bring you down Exterminating you, I'll bring you down, I'll bring you down Exterminating you

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