The Complete Cass Elliot Solo Collection 1968-71 (2007)

Cass Elliot текст песни

Cass Elliot - Burn Your HatredТекст песни

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I've had my say and now I'm through I've just got to get myself away from you You've twisted and you've turned my mind Because of all the dark I find inside of you 'Side of you, got to let me lie Burn your hatred out on someone else! I don't need the things you say You're bringing me down every day As well as you We're at the crossroads wet with tears And I don't want to spend my years hating you Hating you, got to let me lie Burn your hatred out on someone else! Although I've tried to get along I know that my heart still belongs inside of you And all this fighting ain't no use Cause in the end I'll just refuse to part from you Part from you ' got to let me lie Burn your hatred out on someone else!

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