Youth Is Wasted On The Young (2006)

Caesars текст песни

Caesars - Let's Go Parking BabyТекст песни

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I know I'm out of line Are we out of touch But this is all too much You're such a groovy girl I'd love to strap her on When I'm really gone Let's go parking, baby Stay out all night, you and me together Two wrongs don't make a right Sweetest punks you've ever seen Such a crazy girl She doesn't make no sense It doesn't bother me She always throws me out She always makes a scene She's just the sweetest thing Let's go parking, baby Stay out all night, you and me together Two wrong's don't make a right Your black hair is so obsecene Sweetest punks you've ever seen Let's go parking, baby Stay out all night, you and me together Two wrongs don't make a right Your black hair is so obsecene Sweetest punks you've ever seen Your black hair is so obsecene My heart aches at what a state I'm in

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