Cansei De Ser Sexy [Bonus Tracks] (2006)

CSS текст песни

CSS - AlcoholТекст песни

Выделите цитату, смысл которой может быть неочевиден и вы бы хотели её пояснить или запросите её пояснение.Кликните на highlighted цитату, чтобы объяснить её или на highlighted, чтобы посмотреть аннотации к ней.
This is so weird Am I sleeping? Is this a dream? No! Am I a Mouse? Am I an elephant? And I had just sliced your tongue So tell me he-he-he-he-he-he-he-he-hey Do you wanna drink some alcohol? I'm just a boy (girl) but I have a very strong punch And I had just broken your nose Am I a horse? Am I on fire? Am I the curse? Am I the curse? So tell me he-he-he-he-he-he-he-he-hey: Do you wanna drink some alcohol? This is so weird Am I sleeping? Is this a dream? No! Am I a Mouse? Am I an elephant? And I had just sliced your tongue So tell me he-he-he-he-he-he-he-he-hey: Do you wanna drink some alcohol?

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