The Bing Crosby CBS Radio Recordings 1954-56 (2009)

Bing Crosby текст песни

Bing Crosby - You Turned the Tables on MeТекст песни

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I used to be the apple of your eye I had you with me every day, But now whenever you are passing by You're always looking the other way It's little things like this That prompt me to say: You turned the tables on me And now I'm falling for you You turned the tables on me I can't believe that it's true I always thought when you brought The lovely presents you bought Why hadn't you brought me more, But now if you'd come I'd welcome anything from The five and ten cent store, You used to call me the top You put me up on a throne You let me fall with a drop And now I'm out on my own. But after thinking it over and over, I got what was coming to me Just like the sting of a bee You turned the tables on me.

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