A Rose In The Desert (2002)

Billy Novick текст песни

Billy Novick - (How Little It Matters) How Little We KnowТекст песни

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How little we know! How much to discover What chemical forces flow from lover to lover! How little we understand what touches off that tingle, That sudden explosion when two tingles intermingle. Who cares to define what chemistry this is? Who cares, with your lips on mine, how ignorant bliss is? So long as you kiss me, and the world around us shatters, How little it matters, how little we know. How little we understand what touches off that tingle, That sudden explosion when two tingles intermingle. Who cares to define what chemistry this is? Who cares, with your lips on mine, how ignorant bliss is? So long as you kiss me, and the world around us shatters, How little it matters, how little we know. How little we know. How little we know.

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