Big Head Todd & the Monsters - Beautiful RainТекст песни

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Desperate chances and accidental meetings Spin out your life as your stars collide And I I forget your name It was coming down like Down like sheets of silver Streets like wild rivers cry Lightning, thunder Flash across the building Plays on our roof tonight Sunshine No it ain't for me 'Twas pouring on the day you came Now that I'm yours I finally learned to see The beautiful rain Spinnin' out I lost control Don't turn away. I won't let go Took our chances as We were lost and drifting Without words to say When the storm comes with Tales for all our children How we crashed our cars that day Sunshine No it ain't for me 'Twas pouring on the day you came Now that I'm yours I finally learned to see I'm drenched with gladness Dance with you madly in the The beautiful rain

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