Complete Recorded Works, Vol. 9 (1939) (1992)

Big Bill Broonzy текст песни

Big Bill Broonzy - My Last Goodbye to YouТекст песни

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This is my last goodbye I declare, I done quit tryin' to be good This is my last goodbye, baby, I declare, I done quit tryin' to be good Now I declare you're alright with me, baby, ooh Lord, too many know you in This neighborhood I believe, I'm my mother's bad luck child I believe, darlin', I'm my mother's bad luck child I declare, I have so much trouble here, baby, ooh Lord, I believe I may go Out of style There's a day comin', baby, I declare you're goin' to sing your song There's a day comin', baby, I declare you're goin' to sing your song And I declare you're gonna be blue and worried, ooh, ooh, and have plenty Troubles of your own Bye-bye-bye, bye-bye baby, this is my last goodbye to you Bye-bye baby, I declare this is my last goodbye to you Now, this is my last goodbye, baby, Ooh, Lord, I don't care what you do

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